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八角叶总黄酮的提取及其捕获自由基作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:为八角叶资源的合理开发和利用提供科学依据。方法:分别以乙醇、石油醚、水等作提取溶剂,用超声波与非超声波对比提取八角叶总黄酮,考察在不同温度、溶剂浓度、超声波功率、提取时间等不同条件下用超声波/乙醇浸提法提取八角叶总黄酮,对所提取的黄酮类物质进行验证,并用分光光度法测定含量,用八角叶总黄酮对羟自由基清除作用进行试验。结果:超声波乙醇浸提法提取八角叶总黄酮的最佳工艺条件为:溶剂90%乙醇,温度80℃,超声波功率60 W,提取时间3.0 h。百色、南宁、贺州、河池、钦州所产八角叶总黄酮的含量分别为0.1649mg/mL、0.1022 mg/mL、0.1122 mg/mL、0.1850 mg/mL、0.1693 mg/mL,八角叶总黄酮提取液对Fenton体系产生的.OH自由基有很好的清除作用。结论:超声波乙醇浸提法提取八角叶总黄酮的效果最佳,产总黄酮含量最高,提示八角叶具有较高的开发利用价值。  相似文献   
不同品种苦荞麦不同器官总黄酮含量的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Total flavonoids content in stems,leaves and seeds of seven cultivars of Fagopyrum tataricum(L.) Gaertn.and a cultivar of F.esculentum Moench were determined by UV-visible spectrophotometry.The results show that total flavonoids content in leaves is higher.Total flavonoids content among different cultivars of F.tataricum has a great difference.Among seven cultivars of F.tataricum,total flavonoids content is the highest in leaves and seeds of ’Jiande Tartary Buckwheat’ with 106.16 and 24.09 mg·g-1,respectively,and in stems of ’Dingbian Tartary Buckwheat’ with 34.65 mg·g-1.The comprehensive analysis result indicates that ’Jiande Tartary Buckwheat’ is the best germplasm resources of F.tataricum and worth to further extension.  相似文献   
口源性口臭指示菌的筛选   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的从口源性口臭(Oral Malodor)相关菌种中筛选主要代表菌,用以建立口臭细菌学(Oral Bacteri-ology)临床辅助诊断的指示菌(Indicator bacteria)。方法用感官检测(鼻闻法)(Organoleptic test)、气相色谱(Gas Chromatography)、硫化物检测仪(Halimeter)和硫化氢检测仪(Easicult S)等4种方法,在实验室检测常见的8种牙周及龋病致病菌,通过检测鼻闻臭味程度、硫化物(Volatile sulfur compounds,VSCs)、硫化氢(Hydrogen sulfide,H2S)及有异味的短链脂肪酸(Short Chain Fatlf acid)含量来确定指示菌。结果鼻闻:牙龈卟啉单胞菌(P.gingivalis,P.g)、中间普雷沃菌(P.intermedius,P.i)和具核梭杆菌具核梭亚种(F.subsp nucleatum,F.n)恶臭明显,其他菌有微臭或无味。气相色谱检测:P.g、P.i、F.n和伴放线聚生杆菌(Aggregatibscter actinomycetemcomitans,A.a)中有异味的丁酸(Butyric acid)含量在40%~66%,其他菌,其他产物含量较低。硫化物检测:P.g、P.i和F.n的VSCs量在1 000ppb以上,硫化氢检测:P.g、P.i和F.n的H2S在600 ppb以上,其他菌两项检测均在36 ppb以下。结论 P.g、P.i和F,n是主要产臭菌种,可作为临床口臭的细菌学辅助诊断的指示菌,供临床进一步研究。  相似文献   
以化香树果序为原料,60%的乙醇水溶液为溶剂提取黄酮类化合物,在不同温度下对总黄酮的传质动力学进行了研究。采用平板模型,以Fick第二定律为基础,建立了化香树果序总黄酮提取的动力学方程,求得了速率常数、活化能、相对萃余率等一系列动力学参数。研究结果可为化香树果序总黄酮提取工程放大和深入理论研究提供一定的依据。  相似文献   
Ambient ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation potentially impacts the photosynthetic performance of high Arctic plants. We conducted an UV-B exclusion experiment in a dwarf shrub heath in NE Greenland (74°N), with open control, filter control, UV-B filtering and UV-AB filtering, all in combination with leaf angle control. Two sites with natural leaf positions had ground angles of 0° (‘level site’) and 45° (‘sloping site’), while at a third site the leaves were fixed in an angle of 45° to homogenize the irradiance dose (‘fixed leaf angle site’). The photosynthetic performance of the leaves was characterized by simultaneous gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements and the PSII performance through the growing season was investigated with fluorescence measurements. Leaf harvest towards the end of the growing season was done to determine the specific leaf area and the content of carbon, nitrogen and UV-B absorbing compounds. Compared to a 60% reduced UV-B irradiance, the ambient solar UV-B reduced net photosynthesis in Salix arctica leaves fixed in the 45° position which exposed leaves to maximum natural irradiance. Also a reduced Calvin Cycle capacity was found, i.e. the maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax) and the maximum carboxylation rate of Rubisco (Vcmax), and the PSII performance showed a decreased quantum yield and increased energy dissipation. A parallel response pattern and reduced PSII performance at all three sites indicate that these responses take place in all leaves across position in the vegetation. These findings add to the evidence that the ambient solar UV-B currently is a significant stress factor for plants in high Arctic Greenland.  相似文献   
一株高含玫红品的红树林海洋紫色硫细菌分离鉴定及特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
摘要:【目的】挖掘我国海洋紫色硫细菌物种资源、深入理解紫色硫细菌在红树林生态系统中的作用。【方法】采用琼脂振荡稀释法、显微技术、紫外可见吸收光谱法、TLC、HPLC 和MS 法。【结果】从福建泉州洛阳桥红树林潮间带泥水样分离获得一株细胞内含多个硫粒的细菌菌株,光合内膜呈囊状、含细菌叶绿素a 和螺菌黄质系类胡萝卜素,结合16S rRNA 基因序列分析和系统发育分析,表明该菌株属于海洋着色菌属(Marichromatium)。该菌株细胞球杆状;最适pH 范围5.7-6.7;最适盐度范围2%-3.5%;温度范围20℃ -35℃;能耐受3.6 mmol/L 硫化物;主要积累玫红品类胡萝卜素,而不是螺菌黄质;3 种细菌叶绿素组分中,一种为BChl aP,另2 种未见报道;不需要生长因子;可光同化固定CO2、能很好利用多种有机酸盐、多价态氮化物和硫化物,尤其能利用柠檬酸、葡萄糖、蔗糖、果糖和丙醇;对氯霉素、头孢唑林、苯、对羟基联苯、恩诺沙星、啶虫脒、HgCl2 和CdCl2的IC50 值分别为70、100、20、20、3、170、5 mg /L和25 mg/L。【结论】该菌株是一株轻度耐酸、高含玫红品类胡萝卜素的紫色硫细菌,被鉴定为Marichromatium gracile 新菌株,编号YL28。该菌株具有广泛利用多种碳源、氮源和硫源物质的能力,对抗生素氯霉素和头孢唑啉、农药啶虫脒、重金属汞和镉具有较强耐受性,对抗生素恩诺沙星较敏感。  相似文献   
香水莲花提取物抑制酪氨酸酶活性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验以L-酪氨酸为底物,从马铃薯中提取酪氨酸酶,以熊果苷为阳性对照,采用比色法测定了香水莲花醇提物、水提物及总黄酮提取物对酪氨酸酶的抑制率,以探讨香水莲花醇提物、水提物及总黄酮提取物对酪氨酸酶的活性的抑制作用。结果表明,三种提取物对酪氨酸酶活性的抑制效果从高到低依次为总黄酮提取物、醇提物、水提物,说明其有效成分为醇溶性物质;总黄酮提取物对酪氨酸酶活性的抑制效果明显高于醇提物和水提物对酪氨酸酶活性的抑制效果,可以考虑将其作为一种新型的植物源美白剂,应用于化妆品行业。  相似文献   
Abstract Fecundity in some insects is affected by mating status. The effect of mating status on the fecundity and total egg production of Teleogryllus emma (Ohmachi et Matsumura) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) was examined in this study. The results showed that the pre‐oviposition period was shorter for amphigonic females than that for virgin females. However, no significant difference in pre‐oviposition was found between amphigonic females and those that had mated with a male with either the phallodeum or testes extirpated. There is no difference in adult longevity between the above four groups. The fecundity and total egg production were much higher in amphigonic females than in those controlled under the three non‐amphigonic treatments. The females of T. emma that mated with the testes‐extirpated males produced more eggs (up to two‐fold more) than both the virgin females and those that mated with the phallodeum‐extirpated males, but there was no difference between them. The fecundity‐enhancing substances transferred from male to female can stimulate the female to produce more eggs, but this stimulation has to occur in collaboration with sperm.  相似文献   
十二烷基硫酸钠协同微波-酶法提取布渣叶总黄酮   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)协同微波-酶法提取布渣叶总黄酮,选取微波辐射时间(X1)、SDS质量分数(X2)、液固比(X3)、恒温水浴提取时间(X4)、酶解时间(X5)进行U15(54×3)混合水平均匀试验设计,利用偏最小二乘法(PLS)处理试验数据,建立数学模型,确定提取的最优条件并进行验证;另外,将优化后的提取结果与其他提取方法进行比较.研究结果表明:优化的提取条件为X1=1min、X2=0.16%、X3=30.75 mL/g、X4=50 min、X5=30 min.与其他提取方法相比,该法提取效率高,环保无污染,具有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   
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